Saturday, August 18, 2012

Chapter 1.7 - PIGGY!

Welcome! In this chapter, expect references to Invader Zim. Also, I'm making the pictures bigger since they're so hard to see in the default size.

Right after the age-up, this mail girl (I originally typed male girl... Typos are fun!) showed up. 

I quickly sent Cracker after her.

Cracker: "H-hi, I REALLY HAVE TO PEE!"

Belinda Dodson: "Mhm, yes."

Smooth Cracker, smooth.

*NOTE*: No clue how I managed to remember her name, but I had to write down the kid's traits. Cracker rolled Couch Potato! *NOTE*

Belinda: "It's okay, I understand your need to pee."

Cracker: "Phew..."

On an unrelated note...

Tucker: "Yawn."

Muffin: "Look at this Tucker..."

*NOTE* Muffin rolled Virtuoso. *NOTE*

Tucker: "IT'S PIGGY!"

I am pretty much certain that EA is referencing Invader Zim with this toy.

If you want to see it, if you have Pets, click Play... Have Fun on a pet (probably dogs only).


Tucker: "I hate you so much right now JUSTGIVEMEIT! PIGGEH I WILL RESCUE YOU!"

I swear, it's a reference. The rosy cheeks are the only difference.

Nearby in reality (or rather, the most reality you can have in a Sims game)...

Belinda: "I'm glad you went to pee before we hugged!"

Cracker: "Me too, friend!"


Belinda: "I'm sleeping over your house. Now."

Cracker: "Uh, okay."

Righty: "Cracker has friends and you don't!"

Righty and Lefty: "Haha, yeah!"

Muffin: "I hate you guys hands."

Righty: "Take that back or I'm burrowing into your brain!"

Muffin: "STOP IT YOU TWO!"

Cracker: "My sister is insane."

Belinda: "Tucker is ugly, and he smells!"

Tucker: "... *self esteem damaged*"

I hate Belinda. Don't worry Tucker, I love you!

Tucker: "Muffin, you're the only one who cares about me. NOW GIVE ME PIGGY!"

Random glitch picture.


Muffin: "Alright, alright!"


He broke the counter over Piggy.

Tucker: "Ow... WORTH IT!"


Belinda: "Your sister is such a dork..."

Cracker: "Teehee! Yeah!"

Muffin: "I am contemplating killing Belinda."

Tucker: "Wouldn't blame you."

Belinda: "I have a great plan, I'm gonna sleep in your sister's bed so she can't sleep! Haha!"

Cracker: "Mhm, nice..."

Muffin: "I'll just sleep on the couch I guess..."



Tucker: "I hate you."

Belinda: "Can it, dog. I'm going to win over Cracker and be the bride of the heir!"

As if, considering there's gonna be a heir poll.

Belinda: "Oh, I love you readers! You guys are sweet..."

Random Susan face.

Susan: "I call this... the traditional face of peeing your pants."

Belinda: "Get out, woman. This is my bathroom!"

Susan: "I couldn't care less."

She then stood there and never went to the bathroom. I swear, that's not a glitch, she simply wanted to overtake the bathroom. That evil little...

Rico then proceeded with portraits. I'm not gonna count my legacy score, and I know portraits are part of it. It's just because I like the idea of portraits.

Rico: "This is a masterpiece..."

Rico: "Best portrait ever."

Yeah, no. Redo that.

Cracker: "Ice cream!"

Cracker: "Thanks invisible man!"

Yep, rainbow for the rainbowcy!

Cracker: "*smashes ice cream into cheek*"

Perfect eating technique.

Aisha (gnome1): "Ahh, this is the life..."

Gavin (gnome2): "THIS PLANT SMELLS GOOD."

I also can't believe I remembered the gnome names but had to go into the game to remember the traits of the kids.

Rico: "Yet another masterpiece!"

Sigh. After I saw that, I downloaded a mod that makes the portraits less gross orange. 

Speaking of masterpieces, I started Susan on sculpting! I have an idea for the sculpting that should be awesome.

So cute... Susan has a better relationship with Floyd than any one else she knows.

Lost picture: Of Susan petting him after this... it refuses to upload.

Muffin: "I HATE THIS."

Susan: "Whatever."

Susan is so care-free.

Susan's first sculpture! It only sells for 40, so I decided to keep it.

Muffin: "I hate garbage."

Speaking of garbage... Actually that doesn't make sense because I like birthdays. Anyway, birthdays!
(I set the child span on low since children can't do like, any thing. I made the teen span longer to compensate.)

Rico: "Every one, don't freak out, but I think my little girl is growing up, meaning I am GETTING OLD!"

Susan: "Welcome to the club."

Muffin: "Boom, I'm hot."

She's a healthy mix of Rico and Susan. Lemme try and pinpoint it... Susan's nose, Susan's eyes, Rico's lips, Rico's hair. No wonder she's hot.

And also Rico's cute arrogance.

Closer up picture. 

Susan: "I hate birthdays."

She also hates flirting because she rolled non-flirty. 

This is her close up with some piercing CC. I love female Sims that can pull off short hair.

Her wardrobe! If you couldn't tell, this is generation black now! (The new generation officially starts next chapter!)

And now, here's Cracker!

Rainbow sparkles, perfect.


There he is! I'll have to fix those ugly eyebrows, though.

And this is Cracker's wardrobe (which will have to be redone since the game crashed after I was done).

Hope you enjoyed! Heir poll will be soon, I promise.

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