This Rainbowcy is as the banner says. Just for Fun! What I mean is, I've noticed that many legacy writers seem to have more fun in their games than I do. So, I decided that making a legacy myself would do the trick. We are going to do colors that I like, starting with beige!
Ahem, anyway, let's get started.
Rico: *blinks to ruin shot*
Here is our founder, Rico Rainbow. He is a Genius Kleptomaniac with a Great Sense of Humor who is a Great Kisser. Also he's Evil. His name is Rico because that's what the Sims Random Name Generator gave me. But don't worry, Rico's kids will get beige related names.
Well, I didn't think ahead on that, but I will think of some beige stuff.
I added some essentials to the basic legacy lot, with about 100 Simoleons to spare. So Rico, what do you think? Let me guess, cliche legacy things where you absolutely hate it?
Rico: "This lot... This toilet..."
And the lot?
Rico: "I LOVE IT! :)"
Huh, he must be an optimist. But this lot sucks! Your bed costs 100 Simoleo-
Rico: "Don't care, love it! :)"
I won't question him because he's so cute. I love him already, but it's time for a job and a mate.
Time to go out on the town. What kind of job do you want, Rico?
Rico: "Some thing manly, like a firefighter, or a cop..."
Too bad!
Stylist time!
Rico: "I'm being forced against my will to get this prissy job. Please help-"
NO! Get the job or you die from having no money. >:U
Rico: "Fine. But I won't like it. Ooo, I love your shoes, Dustin!"
Dustin Langerak: "Thanks!"
Sureeee, you hate this job.
Rico: "But other than your shoes, you look like a scientific abomination. MAKEOVERS!"
Yes, I decided to give makeovers to every one there. Partly for job experience, partly because every one here looks crappy.
Dustin: "This outfit bores me."
Rico: "Who's this handsome guy in the mirror, oh, it's me! :D"
Boyd Wainwright: "Ugh, I hate this!"
Rico: "I hate your hair, but even my scissors wouldn't go near that ugly face. :|"
Rico: "Mwahahaha! My evil plot to ruin every one's clothes is working!"
Hey, I worked hard redoing those sims! 3:
But then this hottie, Susan Wainwright came along.
Susan Wainwright: "Dat ass."
Rico: "Hm, hm... Yes, I agree, dat ass."
I redid her in beige rainbowcy fashion because I want her in my legacy.
Susan: *blinks to ruin shot*
Susan and Rico are perfect for each other, they both like to ruin my shots by blinking.
Susan: "Meh."
She then proceeds to walk away.
NO. BAD SUSAN. Rico, catch her.
Rico: "I can't, this lady's in my way! :("
TattooLady: "I am blocking you because you're not picking me to be the mate. :("
TattooLady: "NEVER! *blinks to ruin shot*"
Rico: ":( *also blinks to ruin shot*"
Finally she moved and they could meet.
Rico: "Hai. :)"
Yep, perfect for each other.
Rico: "So, want to come to my house and see my art?"
Susan: "Sure!"
Huh, so "see my art" is what the kids are calling it these days...
Susan (in head): "What a nice boy..."
Rico (in head): "I'm so getting laid. *smirk*"
Rico: "Yay, my first friend!"
Susan: "He doesn't get out much, does he?"
Nope, in fact, he was made only two sim hours ago!
Rico: "No wonder I can't remember my childhood..."
Rico (in head): "Now for my plot... to get some Woohoo!"
Susan: "He's such a gentleman."
Rico: "So, do you like my house?"
Susan: "It's as empty and sad as a storm cloud."
Rico: ":|"
I'll leave it at that. Will Rico get Woohoo from Susan, will they get married or will he have to marry that annoying tattoo lady? Tune it next time to find out.
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